BISS MBBPIS GCH Keswick's Storm Flag Flying CGN BPIS MBBPIS GCH Keswick's Dragonfire MBBPIS GCH Keswick's Asgardian Valkyrie MBBPIS CH Keswick's Blood of the Dragon BPISS MBBPIS CH Keswick’s Conduit of Chaos CH Keswick’s Darksaber CH Keswick's Dragonstone BBPIS CH Keswick’s Wolf King BBPIS CH Keswick's Last Rose of Cintra CH Keswick’s Still Worthy CH Keswick Targaryen Fire CH Keswick Blackfyre Rebellion CH Keswick Rains of Castamere
CH Pointed
Owned & Handled by us ~ Bred by others
BOSS MBPISS MBPIS GCH Sunsetter's Seven Deadly Zins GCHB Play Mor Open Secrets at Keswick BVISS MBVIS MBAIS GCH B Creek's On Your Mark RN CGN BVIS CH Byers Peak Strike The Gold
Pictured above is CH Keswick’s Still Worthy (Aggie x Coal) finishing his CH under Joy Hodgkinson. Handled by Katie Jaremey (Northsyde Goldens).